Great Lakes
Natalie Sudman earned an MFA from the University of Oregon in 1989. In order to support her art habit, Sudman worked as an archeologist for sixteen years, and as a project manager in Iraq for a year and a half.
Born in Montana. Raised in Minnesota. Home is Black Hills of South Dakota, southwestern Montana, eastern Oregon.
An enthusiastic traveler ... has lived and worked in Iraq, Florida, Antarctica, Wyoming, Spain etc. Travels include New Zealand, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East, and - very briefly - China. Current residence: southern Arizona.
Poetry and essays have been published in various literary journals. Her non-fiction book , "Application of Impossible Things: My Near Death Experience in Iraq", published by Ozark Mountain Press, is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon, as well as other booksellers.
She occasionally blogs at Trace of Elements.
Information about readings can be found on the Readings page of her blog at this link: Trace of Elements.